Bank Customer Churn Prediction

Project Overview

The main objective of the Bank Customer Churn Prediction project is to analyze the demographics and financial information of bank customers, including factors like age, gender, credit score, country, balance, and more, in order to predict whether a customer will leave the bank or not. Customer churn, the decision of customers to leave a bank, can significantly impact the bank's business and profitability. By accurately predicting customer churn, the bank can take proactive measures to retain valuable customers and enhance customer satisfaction.

About the Dataset:

The dataset used in this project is sourced from Kaggle and comprises 10,000 rows and 14 columns. The dataset's primary objective is to predict whether a customer will churn (leave the bank) based on their demographics and financial information.

The dataset contains several independent variables, which are potential factors that may influence a customer's decision to leave the bank. These variables include customer-specific information like credit score, country (geography), age, tenure (number of years with the bank), bank balance, the number of bank products utilized (NumOfProducts), whether the customer holds a credit card (HasCrCard), and whether the customer is an active member with the bank (IsActiveMember). The target variable, also known as the dependent variable, is labeled "Exited" and is represented by a binary flag: 1 if the customer closed their account with the bank and 0 if the customer is retained.

Data Dictionary

Column Name Description
RowNumber Row number
CustomerId Unique identification key for different customers
Surname Customer's last name
CreditScore Credit score of the customer
Geography Country of the customer
Age Age of the customer
Tenure Number of years for which the customer has been with the bank
Balance Bank balance of the customer
NumOfProducts Number of bank products the customer is utilising
HasCrCard Binary flag for whether the customer holds a credit card with the bank or not
IsActiveMember Binary flag for whether the customer is an active member with the bank or not
EstimatedSalary Estimated salary of the customer in Dollars
Exited Binary flag 1 if the customer closed account with bank and 0 if the customer is retained
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