Data Science Projects

Explore my diverse collection of projects showcasing machine learning, data analysis, and more. Organized by project, each directory contains code, datasets, documentation, and resources.

Bank Customer
Churn Prediction

Bank Customer Churn Prediction project is to analyze the demographics and financial information of bank customers, including factors like age, gender, credit score, and more, in order to predict whether a customer will leave the bank or not

Pima Indian
Diabetes Prediction

Pima Indian Diabetes Prediction project is to analyze various medical factors of female patients, particularly those of Pima Indian heritage and at least 21 years old, to predict whether they have diabetes or not.

Sleep Disorder

This data science project is to analyze various lifestyle and medical variables of individuals, such as age, BMI, physical activity, sleep duration, blood pressure, etc., and use this information to predict the occurrence and type of sleep disorder they may experience.