Data Science Projects

Explore my diverse collection of projects showcasing machine learning, data analysis, and more. Organized by project, each directory contains code, datasets, documentation, and resources.

Delhi House
Price Prediction

The "Delhi House Price Prediction" project focuses on predicting the prices of houses in various localities of Delhi. The primary objective is to develop a predictive model that can accurately estimate the prices of houses based on several key features present in the dataset.

Loan Approval

The Loan Approval Prediction project aims to predict whether a loan application will be approved by a bank. This prediction is made by analyzing various factors and information provided by the applicant.

Warranty Claims
Fraud Prediction

The aim of this data science project is to predict the authenticity of warranty claims by analyzing various factors such as region, product category, claim value, and more. The dataset used for this project was sourced from Kaggle and comprises 358 rows and 21 columns.